Specialist Advice on Hotels

Hotel Management consulenza camere redditività

How tourism has changed?

The economic crisis has emphasized the profound changes already happening in the tourist market, a sector in constant evolution in distributing and widespreading the tourist product.
About 85% of the world tourist users (business, leisure or other), looks for information on the reputation of hotels for the destination on the web, and 60% ends the reservation of the trip on line.
Most of all after the start of the mobile, the potentiality of the web, take for the tourist sector a big importance, in the exponential growth of the sales, allowing to reach infinite targets of customers and of markets at reasonable, flexible costs, and in real time.

What are the most evident evolutions?

The rapid transformation of the touristic demand concerns most of all the growth of its complexity. In mature markets, the communication in real time has led to instantaneous purchases, asking operators a higher flexibility in the answer times, pulling down the space-time limits.
The use of the web, has led to pulling down the times of execution of the requests, multiplying the sales channels and the visibility. It is therefore fundamental a correct management of the “WEB REPUTATION”, qualifying one’s own communication online supplying information of viral type and of sharing on the social canals.

In a market therefore at high competitiveness as that of tourism, in which there is a high perishability of the product, for example the hotel room if it is not occupied in time, knowing how to manage costs and quality of the offer, dynamic rating and politics of marketing on the web, are fundamental elements to enhance the profitability of the tourist enterprise.

What are the solutions to follow change and not to suffer it?

It is necessary to become an efficient organisation, with high quality standards, a constant quality of the services offered, and to satisfy the expectations of the guest since the first impact.
Since this tendency is in rapid growth, the solution is necessarily to evolve to seize new opportunities and markets, through elements of innovation, adjusting one’s own communication online, on the different targets of customers, optimizing the redditivity of the hotel. The web allows to create a very fast and direct interaction between the demand and the offer trough multicanal and innovative logics.

What includes all this?

The opening of new markets with their specificities and peculiarities, involves factors to customize and diversify the service.

Why not forget the Cross Culture?

The accurate study of habits and cultures, allows to take care of the “DETAILS OF THE SERVICE”, in a way to be in line with different traditions respecting specific needs; all this “makes the difference” in the perceived of the CUSTOMER.
Also an overall view of the land, through the unique characteristics; the gastronomic, naturalistic, artistic and cultural offer, become all elements for a product politics, for an effective hospitality and for a correct reference for the markets.

Why are our Solutions different?

Our solutions are flexible and dynamic, they allow us to:
- help the hotel to create a product that improves the hotel characteristics and of the land in which it is inserted, compared with the request;
- operate the integrated commercial development through the planning of strategies of marketing mix and the management of the sales channels;
- through advanced instrumentations of analysis of the demand and the application of dynamic tarifs as lever stimulus of the market.

What is the value added of our Expertise?

Over the last 15 years, our attention has concentrated on the technologic evolution applied to hospitality and tourism; we have reached a high specialisation in the sector of hotel consultancy in these fields:
- Start-up;
- Pre-opening;
- Advanced web marketing;
- Revenue and yield management;
- Brand reputation;
- Communication and online contents;
- Web analytics.

What instruments do we use?

We operate creating a direct interaction between the demand and the offer, increasing the disintermediation in the sale of the product, building customer loyalty, lowering the commercial costs. We operate and implement the ordinary management of the hotel:
- Strategic plans, marketing mix and advanced web marketing;
- Revenue management;
- Social media marketing;
- Booking engine;
- Usability of the web sites;
- Statistical evaluations and data analysis;
- Brand reputation and communication online;
- Analysis of the tourist product and reference targets;
- Definition of objectives and monitoring of results;
- Training of personnel in presence and at distance.

Product Marketing Hotel
Revenue Management Hotel EN
Price Management for Hotel EN
Distribution Hotel EN
Marketing & Communication EN
Training Hotel EN

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