Fonarcom – Inter-professional Joint Fund for Continuing Education

Fonarcom – Inter-professional Joint Fund for Continuing Education

Fonarcom fondo paritetico per la formazione continua


The Fondo Paritetico Interprofessionale FonARCom (Joint Interbranch Fund FonARCom) has been created by CIFA (Italian confederation of independent federations) and CONFSAL (General confederation of autonomous trade unions of workers), in order to efficiently promote the continuous training of employees and company partners.
In the aggregated account (conto aggregato) or network account (conto di Rete) are collected 0.30% INPS (Italian National Institute of social security) deposits of numerous companies. Through a qualified managing authority recognised by regional institutions is carried out a centralised resources management in order to improve management and to have new educational interventions.
To be part of the network account a company has to indicate the CODICE FARC(FARC code) in the Uniemens form while depositing their social contributions. Companies have to sign a representation mandate so that companies which took part can be identified as part of the multy-company aggregated account.
There is no sectoral or local restriction for member companies or companies interested in taking part. Companies can have their headquarter in any province or region, and manufacture any kind of good.


Have an IT platform which supports companies during their project activities, allowing an automatic management of different actions, saving time, avoiding communications, ensuring an operative efficiency and a simplified procedure;

It is not needed a trade union singing of projects, because it is done by the Joint Inter-branch Fund and its internal bodies;

It is not needed any advance payment, before, during and after the educational projects; except for the hourly payment of a professor agreed with companies;

Involve apprentices and partners with atypical contracts during educational projects;

Use the Blended Learning or Distance Learning , if they are compatible with educational goals.