Funds, Loans and Grants


Joint Interprofessional Funds for Foreign Markets

The joint funds, help to finance the Check-up for export or internationalization and company preparation steps to approach foreign markets or even some services after being Internationalized.
Funds with which we operate are those currently active, but we have more synergy with some funds that allow greater operational flexibility.
- Fondimpresa , training account mode and public tender;
- Formazienda aggregate account mode;
- Fonarcom , aggregate account mode and corporate account;
- Fart (Fondo Artigiano);
- Fondirigenti to train top managers.

Funds for Missions and Trade Shows

There are funds available from the Chambers of Commerce, which allow using a special procedure, to cover a good part of the expenses relating to missions and fairs .
Since these funds, are broken down by region and province, write us and tell us of your interest in the foreign country, the sector in which your Company is working, and its registered office or operational address.

Funds for Consortia, Districts, Sectors, Enterprise Networks

Funding and grants are available for groups of businesses and consortia for internationalization; since this projects have a certain complexity and are quite customized, write to us for more information and to schedule an appointment to discuss about it.

Regional Funds, EU Funds, Development Banks, Foreign Funds

A wide range of funds is available through the European Funds.
- There are funds in indirect management; in addition to these opportunities, subsidized loans managed by the regional authorities.
- Then there are funds managed directly by the European Commission;
- Funds available through the Neighbourhood Programmes with countries in the Mediterranean and MENA (Middle East and North Africa);
- Development programs instead ie those that the Commission earmarks in favor of emerging countries, South America or the Far East;
- Programs that provide for shares of export and internationalization as the COSME.
As far as the Development Banks concerns, we report:
- The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EBRD in English or EBRD
- The European Bank for Investment EIB
- The bank fund for Africa’s Development, English African Development Bank Fund is an example of entity that can participate in development projects by providing relevant funds.
We report also ANIMA Investment Network, related to 80 governmental agencies in the Mediterranean and to an international network ; it is also an international observatory very interesting.

Scouting Grants and Funds Abroad

IBS can play in favor of corporate clients, actions to attract local investors abroad or implement scouting for opportunities or funds in the foreign country. In particular, incentives, allowances, bonuses, customs and tax incentives related to FTZ (free trade zone), access to affordable infrastructure policy, programs to support companies, opening a foreign office (to be representative office, joint ventures , branch or subsidiary), opportunities for integration in an incubator (business incubator), or in the start-up of an innovative society. The research will extend into the funding of development banks, the EIB (European Investment Bank), the European Union, or other Development Banks and Funds national or international. Scouting for incentives and financing also covers the training of local staff abroad.

Industrial and Financial Investors / Funds for New Photovoltaic / Wind energy / Hydro

IBS together with with a Design Company characterized by a consistent track record of projects already carried out to the construction / production level, and develops New Authorizations in the Grid Parity on the Ground ( on Agricultural, Industrial, Former Quarries ) sectors, on Roofs . In addition, wind and hydroelectric plants .
Specialist investors or generalists interested in participating can contact us or visit the following page : PHOTOVOLTAIC DEVELOPMENT

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