List of Questions

list of questions for export and internationalization

That is why it is essential to achieve access to new markets ?

That is why it is essential to achieve access to new markets – In January 2014, the World Trade Organization, recorded 583 free trade zones (of goods, services, people) between member countries, of which 377 of these agreements are in action. Currently, only the European Union has preferential free trade agreements in action with 47 countries; There are ongoing negotiations with 74 countries and it is thinking of negotiating with 12 countries. – FROM JANUARY … Continue reading

Why is it woth to expand abroad in a chosen country?

Why is it woth to expand abroad in a chosen country? In which way? Which access strategy? – Shares of Export, through an agent? a distributor? a representative office? or monitoring market? through a licensing agreement productive? through joint ventures? contract or equity? with minority or majority? through a branch? a subsidiary? a regional head quarter? Where? In what area? According to what criteria? – Example: Brazil, USA and so on. are of the continents, … Continue reading

My company has enough strength to export or internationalise?

My company has enough strength to export or internationalise? In the internationalisation through action or EXPORT FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT (FDI), even more so, they stress the fragility that the company can have, even in ordinary business activities / operations within the domestic market. Therefore, before approaching a country and a foreign market, it is crucial, make sure the company has the necessary strength to deal with the challenge of foreign security, and control the process … Continue reading

What is the common error in Export or FDI?

What is the common error in Export or FDI? The most frequent errors in export or FDI happen when companies want to legitimise their brand abroad: Error 1 Approaching foreign countries, with a time horizon of short-term, often jumping on the first opportunity that happen before, with the objective of getting immediate revenue with minimal investment of resources (financial, human, organizational) Why is it a mistake? – In some cases the absence of a careful … Continue reading

Is there any risk to Export or actions in the FDI?

Is there any risk to Export or actions in the FDI? Risks for actions or Export FDI (foreign direct investment), can be distinguished: – LEGAL : contractual relations, disputes, litigation against private or public; – COMMERCIAL reliability private party, payments, credits , commercial risks, litigation; – COUNTRY RISK : risk related to the counterparty sovereign, political and economic stability in the country, reports of the foreign country in relation to the International Monetary Fund, the … Continue reading

How to mitigate or eliminate risks ie Risk Management

How to mitigate or eliminate risks ie Risk Management The first recipe to reduce or eliminate the risk, that a correct approach to Risk Management, is to rely on competent professionals who are able to support the company in all stages of internationalization, from the analysis of the country, to the development an appropriate strategy to approach the foreign country, so they can oversee the entire process over the months. Unfortunately, national statistics, it is … Continue reading

How to access to credit or equity?

How to access to credit or equity? INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STRATEGY, is able to support its customer companies, in raising funds through: – Appropriate synergies with the banking system, through private equity funds ; – The signing of MINI BOND; – Using a reliable channel and regulated CROWD FUNDING; – Managing the practice in synergy with SIMEST or other bodies governed by public nature involved in equity as silent partners. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT TO PRACTICE … Continue reading

Are there any funds or grants?

Are there any funds or grants? Absolutely YES. Through joint funds it is possible to obtain financing for the check-up and preparation of the Company to foreign markets or in the specific service in several ongoing. Funds Chambers can cover a fair share of the costs Missions and Fairs (see NEWS); European funds, and indirect (contract and grant awards managed by regional authorities), which directly managed by the European Commission, especially the Funds through neighbourhood … Continue reading

Why to start with a check-up?

Why to start with a check-up? A CHECK-UP is the first step to assess the feasibility and convenience for a company, in order to have access to foreign markets. It allows the property to the Board of Directors, the CEO to assess opportunities and risks associated with an export share of FDI or foreign; it provides very useful information to improve the efficiency and operation of the company, including with respect to the domestic market, … Continue reading

Where can I find detailed information on specific topics?

Where can I find detailed information on specific topics? In our BLOG you will find articles and information related to specific foreign markets, aspects of consulting on marketing; – ACCESS AND MARKET PENETRATION : Export and FDI (foreign direct investment), MISSIONS AND FAIR ; – CONSULTING SERVICES SPECIALIST ADVICE on Contracts and International Trade Law; Customs, transport and taxation; accounting; Tax consultancy and planning; Accounting; Payroll; Payments, debt collection; International Taxation; Litigation and ADR; – … Continue reading

Dates for incoming missions fairs partners

Dates for incoming missions fairs partners INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STRATEGY , has strong connections with the tissue chamber, institutional, and is able to bring to an exporting company, all the different missions to foreign countries, planned or future, and private initiatives of individuals belonging to the network. MORE DETAILS using the Format of contact and subscribe to our newsletter to be informed of the opportunities or visit the NEWS section dates to the period already planned … Continue reading

When a network is woth for business?

When a network is woth for business? NETWORK COMPANY , depending on aggregation kinds can be represented by a wide range of different operating structures; – Depending on who is or is not a new legal entity; – Whether there is or not the creation of a fund assets; – Depending on the type of contract that you subscribe to the various retisti or network operators; – Of the balance of power between the various … Continue reading

When it makes sense to make direct investment abroad or FDI?

When it makes sense to make direct investment abroad or FDI? FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT or FDI , is usually done by a company already internationalized in other countries, or from a reality that has already taken the first steps in any foreign country; Since it involves the creation of a foreign structure, more or less complex and requires a marketing analysis in different countries, strategy and entry into the country; IBS can help companies in … Continue reading

How to access in the company Skills?

How to access in the company Skills? INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STRATEGY Academy will prepare a series of training courses, and consulting sewn on the needs of the individual business customer, to coach companies who are not familiar with foreign countries, providing them with a series of training courses, many of them financed by the different channels that IBS operates directly or through partners.

Did you know that the check-up and services are eligible?

Did you know that the check-up and services are eligible? Many of the services related to the export and internationalization are financed through appropriate funds; The joint funds are the most direct channel and fast way to self-fund at no cost, is that the CHECK-UP preparatory procedures to Export or internationalization. Other FUNDS of CHAMBER OF COMMERCE supports participation of the companies of its territory to the Missions, Trade Shows, B2B meetings or events INCOMING … Continue reading

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