Main Contributors

Accountant, Expert in financial planning and management control. Finance teacher and trainer (ABI Formazione¹). Expert in accounting, management control, financial subjects, treasury, and insurances (Deloitte, KMPG, Sonepar Italia). Consultant specialised in the commercial development of patents, new Companies and start-up economies. Web manager (AssoretiPmi). Founder and manager of InRete sas.
¹Italian Banking Association (ABI) training school, founded in 1999.

Ms. Arianna Barilaro has experience as counselor at law in Italy and Middle East region, based in Jordan since July 2013: she mainly assists Italian and European clients in managing and preventing risks for their businesses and activities in MENA region (Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, UAE and Saudi Arabia). Particular interest and expertise are in the areas of Renewable Energy and Environmental Law, Investment and Finance regulations. She obtained Master degree in Economy and Institution of Arabic Countries with final thesis about “New Strategy for Renewable Energy in MENA region, Case Study: Jordan” at International University LUISS, School of Government. Graduated in Law, at university of Rome La Sapienza, with specialization in Banking Law (Anti Money Laundering, national and international legal framework). Since November 2014, contributes as visiting professor at NIBI, Milan Chamber of Commerce, in occasion of the executive master about Business Internationalization, focus area MENA.

Dr. Domenico Del Sorbo, with a Degree in International Trade and Currency Markets at Parthenope University, MBA in International Business at the MIB School of Management in Trieste, MBA Accredited AMBA and ASFOR, is an expert in the processes of Export Management and Internationalization of Enterprise. Consultant and Trainer in Marketing strategies and solutions for the credit risk management in international business transactions. Specialized in tools for Trade Finance and Export Financing, (Incoterms 2010, Credit and Documentary Collections, LC and Stand By Letter of Credit, International Bank Guarantees, Bank Payment Obligation BPO, etc.), Credit insurance, insurance s Sace Bt products and Sace Spa. He assists and carries out consulting to many Italian SMEs in the management of documentary credit and bank guarantees. He collaborates with ICE-ITA Agency, World Pass, Infoexport and Newsmercati, Unioncamere and Chamber System, Chamber of Commerce in several Italian provinces, Industrial Confederation System, business schools and banks. Professor on contract at the Link Campus University in Naples. Founding Member of the Cooperative Credit Bank of Naples. Associate Credimpex Italy, with the purpose of disseminating tools regulation of international trade. Intense publishing activity and publication of articles and guides on issues of Trade and Export Finance.

Senior Consultant and TaxFin Srl Partner. Tax planning, expert in advise and strategic planning, analysis and control of the cash flow. Financial statement, management control, corporate consultant, budgeting, reporting. Financial statement with financial, environmental and social information in English. Purchases and valuation of the businesses and business plan. Support to startups and foreign businesses in Italy. Civil and fiscal management of stable organizations and branch offices of foreign businesses in Italy. Planning and supervision of sector studies, indicators to predict the level of taxation in the selected short term. Tax litigations. Bookkeeping. Services for individuals.
EDUCATION: Secondary-school diploma at Liceo Scientifico, Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at Roma 3 University. Training at ODCEC, Certified Public Accountants, Auditors and Advisors, Rome. Training: “IVA nei rapporti internazionali” (VAT for international transaction), “Il bilancio con i principi contabili internazionali IAS – IFRS” (IAS Financial Statements), “Fiscale e societario in lingua inglese” (Tax and Corporation in English), “Il patrocinio Tributario” (Tax Advocacy) and “RETI di IMPRESA” (Enterprise Network), “Controllo e principi di revisione degli Enti Locali” (Control and Auditing Standards of the Local Authorities).

Erik Kooijmans: experienced professional in the business of Export Management Area Benelux (Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg), and for some services Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, with decades of experience in management and business development of international markets. Erik Kooijmans is of Dutch origin, resident in Bologna with an office in Netherlands. He worked alongside Italian companies, providing advice, managing the Export and initiating foreign Business Units including consulting for international acquisitions. He can provide expert assistance to the Company that want to internationalize in safety or create a foreign distribution network, and in the event that lacks the experience or knowledge of the culture of the Export to approach effectively the target market, limiting the risks of shares of Internationalization. Some services: market research; customer management and research partners; promotional support and development sales budget (eg. fairs); definition of objectives and pricing policy; in the case of start-up business unit, also management personnel; tax optimization and logistics optimization; webshop international webfulfillment. Languages: Dutch / Flemish mother tongue, English, Italian, French, German.

Fabrizio Fabretti is an Engineering Technician with industrial specialization registered at the ordine di Venezia . He has a decade of experience in the renewable energy sector, especially in the photovoltaic one . In addition to working in the electrical design, to working as construction manager and construction site assistant, he is the advisor for well-known private equity funds, which operate both in the acquisition of already working installations ( secondary market ) and in the acquisition of ready authorizations in order to start building the installations . Furthermore, he works with several EPC for the “ Greenfield ” development of grid parity photovoltaic installations . He has managerial and problem solving skills and a continuous professional training .

Fabrizio Mele: residing in Paris, with a law firm in Bologna, has capitalized a substantial experience in the general directorate of Italian and German branch offices in Italy (Bologna and Genoa) and in France, developing European francophone markets in Central and North Africa in the distribution, installation and technical assistance of manufactured capital goods and daily consumer goods: lifting equipments, metrology instruments, white goods, general hardware, recycling of industrial waste, food and tobacco packaging. Being part of the staff of central management has coordinated the administrative, technical and business personnel within the operating area of between 15 and 270 employees, distributed among different locations ( headquarters, agencies, branch offices, storage facilities). Graduated in Electronic Engineering (University of Bologna) and with a strong business and marketing background, has an in-depth knowledge of B2B and B2C relations (manufacturer, distributors, final customers). Skills: Strategic thinking, adaptability to emergency and stressful situations, in-depth knowledge of Human Resources and experience in French Labour Law, both in collective bargaining and individual and contractual rule of law.

Gabriele Maria Seguiti: involved in International Business Development, CEO Management, Project Management and Training. He obtained a deep business knowledge both in strategy and in the operational sector thanks to his personal employment in different functions (Training, Purchasing, Planning, Human Resources, Budgeting, Finance and Management Control, Research and Development, Trade, Marketing) necessary to maximise organization and business results. Such skills in project management allowed him to become a consultant at Siemens Informatica for the management of projects destined to supply some important private and public clients with both IT services and Hardware insfrastructures. Creativity, determination, strong orientation to innovation, organizational capability, problem solving and overall view: these are the elements at the base of a perfect management of organization changes and the full achievement of the objectives. Constant professional improvement has always been at the base of any personal implication till now.

Giuseppe Capoderose: a seasoned finance & control professional with more than 20 years of experience working with an array of businesses from SMEs to large multinational corporations in various industries / sectors across Europe. His key areas of expertise include business planning, management control, financial analysis, capital budgeting, and corporate performance management. Most recently, he has been focusing his attention, and efforts, on helping SMBs to set and execute the most effective international business development strategy. Mr. Capoderose holds a Master’s degree in economics from L.U.I.S.S. Guido Carli University in Rome, a second-level Master’s diploma in Finance & Control from the University of Pisa, and a post-graduate Master’s diploma in Business Internationalization from NIBI the New International Business Institute body of Chamber of Commerce of Milan. He is a chartered Accountant and a registered auditor.

Giuseppe Leoni: He has previous experience in the field of organization and human resources management, training and consultancy activities in the commercial sector. He has developed a particular expertise in the organization and training. He has held leading roles: assistant manager in a company operating in the retail sector, technical director in a consortium of companies transport and logistics sector and coordinator of training at a company management training, specialized training funded. He holds a degree in Maritime Economics and Transport at the University of Naples “Parthenope”, she completed her studies with a Masters degree in Management and Personnel Administration and advanced training course: Trainer – Designer Training Courses.

Agribusiness, Export Control Officer, Internationalization Advisor. Figure with high seniority in the consulting field, particularly as regards SMEs management, development in foreign markets, organization and support, trading, and also large-scale organized distribution and large-scale specialized distribution, thanks to a long experience in the agribusiness sector. His mission is to support companies in the internationalization process, also with the recruitment of professionals and partners through personal network, ensuring a complete consulting service, tailored to satisfy the needs of every single client. Concerning the internationalization, after a business capability analysis, he starts operating in foreign markets, identifying those which are more profitable, defining the entrance strategies, and providing legal, fiscal, administrative, financial, and logistical support. He is member of the National Council of the Association dedicated to the hemp industry workers, in addition to being Secretary for the Provincial Office of the Independent Association of Small Business in Pavia. Moreover, he collaborates with some law offices in Milan and Brescia, specializing in the following subjects: international business development, commercial growth, corporate development, management supervision, raw materials trading.

International Business Consultant for Europe & MENA (Middle East and North Africa). Exchange of documents and agreements between foreign countries and assistance in the solution of legal disputes (documents in Italian, English, and French). Analysis and development of production sectors and other areas of interest, problem solving and efficiency improving of business processes. Assistance in foreign real estate transactions. Management of succession procedures and international asset recovery. Background as an interpreter and translator -SSIT Milan-, specialized in law and business, Executive Master Diploma in Internationalization of Companies organised by NIBI (New International Business Institute). Analyst of business culture and comparative culture.

Paola Fubini: while working as free-lance in the field of European Funds, she has developed a specific specialisation in Legal Consultancy and in enterprise management, in particular to internationalization.
As an Officer and Person in charge she has worked for a national association for the protection of the cooperative movement, building start-ups and developing mutual situations.
She graduated at University “La Sapienza” in Rome in law and she has completed her course of studies with a Master on Community Politics, and with lots of courses in business management and internationalization of enterprises.

After the touristic maturity, there were various experiences at a Directional level and personnel management in Italy and abroad . Enlargement of the experience in trade with own business . Lot of business travels breathed life into a Background of acknowledge in the touristic field as well as the real estate one, precious metals, oil and derivatives . All this was possible and numerous training courses were born . The specificity is love, constancy and a extraordinary diplomacy, which allows a great opennes in human relationships . The phrase “ Business never sleeps ” .