Area course catalogue in health and social care

Catalogo Area Socio Sanitario

Area course catalogue in health and social care

Examples of courses and seminars in health and social catalogue


 Customer satisfaction with social healthcare services;
 defining and analyzing customer satisfaction;
 operating procedures and protocols analysis;
 strategic and functional planning of the service;
 staff and their performance self – evaluation or evaluation by others;
 improving care services organization;
 organizational issues and economy of bodies and enterprises operating in social and health services;
 management tools and techniques;
 economic and financial, material and human resources management;
 coordination and management tasks and skills;
 highlighting and analyzing training needs: methodologies and tools;
 instruments and methods to be used, from the planning of training events to the final evaluation.


 The incorporation of nurse and auxiliary nurse positions;
 looking at new prospects of “Human Caring”;
 how to work in a team;
 learning of the main negotiation techniques;
 team building and working;
 emotional E.Q and emotional intelligence;
 effectively managing the feelings inside the support relationship;
 handling the grief;
 how to make the relationship between auxiliary, patient, family and care giver effective;
 how to communicate in an emergency situation;
 how to develop the empowerment and self-treatment of the person receiving care.


 How to plan care services for elderly people who are not self-sufficient;
 planning care services for elderly people suffering from severe dementia;
 which are the best restraining practices;
 right attitude and care in care homes for the elderly people suffering from psychiatric disorder;
 how to properly deal with a patient suffering from Alzheimer’s disease;
 how to deal with a patient suffering from Parkinson’s disease;
 colour puncture technique according to Peter Mandel’s method;
 psycho and physiognomic analysis and reading the body through the Secret Language of Face and Body;
 emotions and wellness, colours and colour therapy;
 using art, music and dance (art therapy) in social and health field;
 clown techniques to be used in social and health field;
 animation and gymnastic to be used with elderly people,
 how to prevent the ageing processes through physical exercises;
 analysis of the topic: diet in care homes. How to improve client’s life quality and avoid the malnutrition.


 General training;
 specific training on specialized issues;
 analysis of the procedures and the protocols to manage chemical and biological risks effectively;
 how to assess the work-related stress (see also job security);
 how to avoid burn-out;
 how to avoid downfalls;
 how to treat and manage the bedsores.


 Analysis of the legal liabilities;
 analysis of the social and health privacy rules;
 what is the “informed consent”.


 Course and qualification of “social worker”;
 course and subsequent qualification of “management services operator”.